

Somerset’s Avalon Marshes’ landscape is perhaps best known for peat and water.  These give the marshes their special character and have left a wonderful legacy of history and archaeology. For thousands of years people have been drawn to the area; once for food, fuel and safety; now for relaxation, wildlife and heritage.

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Romans to Rebellion
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Revolutions to Wildlife
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Somerset has a wonderful and rich heritage with the Avalon Marshes at its heart. This film is a brief introduction.

Books and Publications


The Lake Villages of Somerset – Stephen Minnitt and John Coles

Sweet Track to Glastonbury – Bryony and John Coles

The Shapwick Treasure – Stephen Minnitt

Voices from the Peat – An oral history of the Avalon Marshes, Nancy Ashworth

English Heritage book of Glastonbury – Philip Rahtz

The Lost Islands of Somerset – Richard Brunning (available from Glastonbury Abbey and Somerset Crafts at the Avalon Marshes Centre)

The Archaeology of Avalon – Richard Brunning (available from Glastonbury Abbey and Somerset Crafts at the Avalon Marshes Centre)

Note : Out of print books should be available through local libraries.

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