
Maps, Guides and Books

The Avalon Marshes sit in a lovely, quiet part of Somerset’s Levels and Moors. The only large towns within the area are Glastonbury, with its iconic Tor standing sentinel over the marshes, and Street. On this page you will find downloadable maps and some suggestions of books and guides which will help you enjoy your visit. You can pick up copies of some of these at the information point at the Avalon Marshes Centre and at local Tourist Information Centres.


Nature Reserves map – Has the locations of reserve hides, paths and trails (will print as an A4 page). Recommended if you are visiting us for the first time.

Interactive Map – Shows the locations of the main features (not printer friendly)

General Avalon Marshes map – Shows nearby towns, villages and approach roads (will print as an A4 page)

Maps of individual nature reserves – Go to the individual nature reserve page (all can be printed as A4 pages)

Ordnance Survey maps:-

  • Landranger maps are at 1:50,000 scale. They are great for general exploring and cycling. Map 182 covers the full area.
  • Explorer maps are more detailed at 1:25,000 scale and are ideal for walking and detailed exploring. Maps 140 and 141 cover the full area.
  • They can be purchased in local bookshops and Tourist Information Centres and are also available for sale online.

Guides and Leaflets

Avalon Marshes and Nature Reserve leaflets – These are available at the Avalon Marshes Centre. 

Cycle routes – We have put together a series of Heritage Cycle routes – you can download these from this website by following the respective links.

Dog Walking Guide – This leaflet (available at the Centre, or by emailed pdf on request) has been designed to help you and your dog explore and protect this wonderful landscape and its wildlife, by providing information on where you can and cannot walk your dog on the Avalon Marshes.

Wildlife Guides – The Field Studies Council (FSC) produce a series of guides to wildlife much of which you will find in the Avalon Marshes. One of these has been written specifically for those visiting Shapwick Heath National Nature Reserve. This can be obtained directly from the Field Studies Council or Natural England.


There are too many applicable books about local wildlife and heritage for us to list them all.  However, below are a few that we would particularly recommend. Some of these are out of print but copies can be obtained from second hand bookshops/on-line.

The Somerset Wetlands – An Ever Changing Environment – a classic book covering landscape, wildlife and heritage.

Wet & Wonderful – The Heritage of the Avalon Marshes – Richard Brunning

The Lake Villages of Somerset – Stephen Minnitt and John Coles

Sweet Track to Glastonbury – Bryony and John Coles

The Shapwick Treasure – Stephen Minnitt

Voices from the Peat – An oral history of the Avalon Marshes

English Heritage book of Glastonbury – Philip Rahtz

The Lost Islands of Somerset – Richard Brunning (available from Glastonbury Abbey and Somerset Crafts at the Avalon Marshes Centre)

The Archaeology of Avalon – Richard Brunning (available from Glastonbury Abbey and Somerset Crafts at the Avalon Marshes Centre)

Note : Out of print books should be available through local libraries.