
Shapwick Dragonfly Walk

18/09/2022, 11:00am - 1:00pm
Avalon Marshes Centre
Shapwick Dragonfly Walk

Discover the dazzling array of dragon and damselflies that make Shapwick Heath their home, learning some essential identification skills along the way on this guided walk with reserve staff and expert volunteers.

Places limited, booking essential, cost £5 per person. For further information about the event and to book a place please contact Julie Merrett by e-mail: or call the Natural England office at the Avalon Marshes Centre on 01458 860120.

Please dress appropriately for the weather with stout footwear. This event will involve walking at a countryside site which contains uneven ground. If you have any additional mobility requirements or any other needs please contact us to discuss them. We will endeavor to accommodate them wherever possible.

Please note dogs (other than registered assistance dogs) are not permitted on the main area of Shapwick Heath NNR.

Key information


Places limited, booking essential, cost £5 per person. For further information about the event and to book a place please contact Julie Merrett by e-mail: or call the Natural England office at the Avalon Marshes Centre on 01458 860120.


Please dress appropriately for the weather with stout footwear. This event will involve walking at a countryside site which contains uneven ground. If you have any additional mobility requirements or any other needs please contact us to discuss them. We will endeavor to accommodate them wherever possible.


Natural England