Honeygar Farm

Honeygar Farm

Honeygar is located between Somerset Wildlife Trust’s Westhay Moor NNR, Westhay Heath and Catcott nature reserves in the Avalon Marshes, one of the largest and most important wetland areas in the UK. The site comprises 81 hectares of intensively grazed farmland backing onto the River Brue, a 200-year-old farmhouse, and a collection of sheds and outbuildings, and was previously a dairy farm.

Honeygar is perfectly situated to connect the Somerset Wildlife Trust’s existing nature reserves and those of the Avalon Marshes partner organisations, and also strengthen Somerset’s Nature Recovery Network by linking the Levels and Moors to the Mendips in the north, west to Bridgwater Bay and Somerset’s coast, and to South Somerset. Its acquisition will create more space for nature and contribute to our goal of at least 30% of land and sea being managed positively for nature by 2030.

A Wilded Site

A Wilded Site

Honeygar will be Somerset Wildlife Trust’s first ‘wilded’ site – managed very differently to their other nature reserves and a major project for the Trust, which will happen over many years. Over time, they hope it will become a place which inspires those who visit, whether other landowners, local people or visitors from further afield.

They will be regularly monitoring species present and the land’s ability to capture carbon, so the impact of wilding Honeygar can be assessed and shared widely. Somerset Wildlife Trust are looking forward to working with  their new neighbours and local communities and strengthening the many positive relationships they  already have through working in the Avalon Marshes for almost five decades.

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