

The Avalon Marshes is an ancient landscape brought back to life by communities, landowners and businesses working together to manage the land to achieve a thriving, nature-rich wetland landscape which is resilient and able to adapt to climate change and providing significant income to the local and county economies through regenerative agriculture and eco-tourism.

Together we can bring back wildlife. The things that we do, the action we take, the contributions we make all add up to a Wilder Future. One where both people and wildlife thrive alongside each other.

A Special Landscape

A Special Landscape

The Avalon Marshes, as part of the Somerset Levels and Moors, are regarded as one of the great natural spectacles in the UK and Europe with a mix of diverse and valuable habitats.

The Avalon Marshes is not just a key part of the Somerset Wetlands National Nature Reserve but one of the core fundamental seeds of Natures recovery in the county and the UK. Through the strategic delivery of a fully functioning Nature Recovery Network across Somerset the Avalon Marshes will be naturally connected to a range of diverse and resilient wetland, grassland and woodland networks allowing species to thrive and expand and to importantly move and adapt in response to imminent climate change.

Wonderful Wildlife

Wonderful Wildlife

Somerset’s Levels and Moors are a haven for Wildlife.  Avalon Marshes and its nationally important nature reserves sits at the heart of the area.  Over the last 50 years wildlife has thrived here as abandoned peat workings have been transformed and restored to lush wetlands, many of which are now designated as National Nature Reserves.

Covering around 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres), the nature reserves are a home to a broad array of wildlife and offer the chance to see some unusual species, rarely seen elsewhere. There are many habitat types to discover including open water, reed-bed, mire, fen, meadow and wet woodland. Access is provided by numerous tracks, trails and hides.

Archaeology and Heritage

Archaeology and Heritage

The internationally important archaeological and historic heritage of the area is protected from threats to its survival and is justly celebrated, providing a draw to visitors and a source of pride and identity to local communities.




Peatlands are restored and protected and actively locking away millions of tonnes of carbon in the cool, dark, and wetter peat.

Powerful Peatlands

We know we can’t do this alone.

We want to work with you to create a landscape that we can all be proud of, supporting thriving communities, businesses, and wildlife. This will require collaboration to develop new business models, access emerging environmental markets and to co-create a spatial plan that works for everyone.

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Photo Credits: Great White Egret (John Crispin), Bittern (John Crispin), Viking Ship (Richard Brunning), Peatlands (Jesse Alexander)