
Kid’s Stuff

Quick note for the grown-ups:

Looking for something a bit different than expensive trips to theme parks?  The Avalon Marshes is a wonderful area to bring the children and let them enjoy nature and heritage at its best, but please supervise them at all times, particularly around water and in the bird hides.  The Nature Reserves are all free to enter* (see note at bottom of page), and you can pick-up more information about the area from the Avalon Marshes Centre.

Otter_full_Look_R_640Fantastic Family Adventures

Hi…. I’m Otto the Otter.
I live here in the Avalon Marshes. I know all the best places to go – and lots of cool things to see and do. They’re ‘otterly’ brilliant! I’ve got Ten Terrific Things for you to tick off, plus the Top Ten Beasties to spot.
Come with me and we’ll ‘ave an Avalon adventure … 

Pick up a copy at the Avalon Marshes Centre or download here:

Heritage HuntersRoman_Look_L_640

My family have been around here a long time, 6,000 years or more! They have watched people walk across swamps with their bows and arrows, Romans having warm baths and seen strange “pill boxes” in the landscape!
Come with me and become a Heritage Hunter…

Click here to download your Heritage Hunter sheet

Missions for budding bioblitzers!binoculars_640

Ticked off the ten Beasties and would like to find more? I am going to send you on an i-spy mission: download these sheets and become a bioblitzer; you never know if you are very lucky you may spot me out for a swim!
Click below to download
Mission 1 – Find these super-plants for bees, bugs and butterflies.
Mission 2 – I love colour, can you find any of these colourful butterflies?
Mission 3 – My feathered friends,  look out for these beauties.
Mission 4 – Dragons and Damsels, they fly you know!
Mission 5 – I love trees and hedges!

bike_640Ever seen an Otter on a bike?

Yes I do cycle! I use the “Bittern Trail” to get from Glastonbury to my nature reserves. Trains used to rumble along here now it is a traffic free cycle route.

The Old Railway Track or “Bittern Trail” is the local cycle route which links the Avalon Marshes Centre to Glastonbury. For a map go to our Maps, Books and Guides page.


Otters love to explore and I am no exception. Why not join me and use a GPS app and try hi-tech treasure hunting across the Avalon Marshes.

Go to our Geocaching page to find out more.


Budding bards

The Marshes is a great place to inspire your creativity. I love this poem by Ellie, aged 10. Why don’t you write me a poem after your visit? It might end up on the website too!

By Ellie (aged 10), Churchfield Church School, Highbridge


Bob and Bertha the big, brilliant beetles
Bob is a brilliant beetle,
Bertha is brilliant too,
We thought we weren’t going to find good things,
But it turned out we found two!
When she caught them, my friend jumped,
So we put them in a pot,
And out of all the things we caught,
They were bigger than the lot!
We saw birds and fishes, yes,


An egg taken out of its nest,
But when we did the pond dipping,
Bob and Bertha were the best!
When we did examining,
We all jumped for joy,
When we found out our two beetles,
Were, in fact, a girl and boy!
Some said “now the beetles are mating”
We instantly thought, just if,
The beetles have a baby,
We’ll have to call him Biff!

Had loads of fun? Like to do more? Want to learn more?

My mates at the Hawk & Owl  Trust, Natural England, the RSPB, Somerset Wildlife Trust and South West Heritage Trust all run events. Take a look at my Events page to find out more.


* Parking is charged at Ham Wall, and by voluntary donation at Shapwick Heath (east) and the Avalon Marshes Centre car parks.