Ancient Nature for Home Educators

£6 per child. Please note a non refundable booking fee applies per ticket. Booking fee included in advertised price. Accompanying adults free. Discover how our ancient ancestors lived and survived in the wetlands thousands of years ago. During our lively session we will follow the course of the prehistoric Sweet Track, exploring as we go how the people of the distant past worked with nature to find solutions to their climatic and environmental challenges. The journey will use geography, history and science to deepen children’s understanding of Somerset’s natural and human landscape. We’ll be meeting at the Avalon Marshes Centre car park to walk to Shapwick Heath NNR for the session. Working in partnership, the RSPB and Natural England provide outdoor learning at the Avalon Marshes near Glastonbury. This wetland landscape in the Somerset Levels teems with wildlife: bitterns, otters, water voles, eels and the largest wintering roost of starlings in the UK. You can find more details of our learning programme on the website RSPB Avalon Marshes has the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge. To book a place or further information please visit FAQs Are there minimum age requirements to enter the event? The session is designed for 11-16 year olds. Younger children and older teens are permitted and are free but will not be able to participate in the activities. All children must be accompanied by an adult. A maximum of two adults can accompany one child. The maximum number of children that can be accompanied by one adult is four (please note this number includes any children younger than 11 years or older than 16). What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event? There is a large car park at the Avalon Marshes Centre. Voluntary donations for parking can be made by mobile or with cash at the site: £1.50 an hour or £3 all day. Details of how to travel to the Centre can be found at Where will we meet for the event? We will be meeting outside the craft gallery at the Avalon Marshes Centre. At 10:15, the assembled group will be guided down Shapwick Road and through the gate to Shapwick Heath NNR. Please note that this can be a busy road and extreme caution will be taken. The session will start by the Sweet Track footpath. Are there any toilets at the event? There are toilets located in the car park at the Avalon Marshes Centre where we will be meeting. There are no toilets on Shapwick Heath so toilets will not be available during the session. What do I need to bring to the event? Suitable outdoor clothing and footwear for the weather. Snacks and water. Credit card or cash to pay for parking or to buy a light snack or drink from the Centre café. Can I bring my dog? Please note that dogs are not permitted to take part in this session. Dogs are not permitted on Shapwick Heath. Please leave your dog at home or with someone who is not taking part in the event. How can I contact the organiser with any questions? Please email us on if you have any questions.   Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? Yes, please.

IMPORTANT: We respect your privacy and will not sell your personal data to any third party. Any personal data you provide here is collected and used only for the purposes of booking this event. Your details will only be used by this event’s RSPB co-ordinator and will not be shared with anyone else.                                                                         

Key information


Avalon Marshes Centre


To book a place please visit the link in the first section.


For information regarding accessibility please visit our website.




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