Shapwick Heath Newsletter: Jul – Sep 22

Shapwick Heath Newsletter: Jul – Sep 22

Despite summer temperatures soaring and the beach calling, we’ve been busy as ever out on the reserves across the county. Our practical volunteers have been keeping things ticking over on the reserve habitat management wise, focusing their time more on footpath management as visitors were out in force over the summer holidays. While the practical vols are waiting for their work to get busier when winter hits, survey volunteers have been gathering data across many sites over these months when invert life explodes and plants are flowering.  Our reserve managers have been busy preparing contracts for winter works, including a peat restoration project kicking off this winter which will see techniques trialed to restore hydrological function to the soils that have not been seen anywhere else in Somerset before. Rest assured, these practices are tried and tested in other parts of the country!

You can download the pdf of the newsletter by clicking here